Hello Friend!

It was January 30, 2021 when the whispers of that small sweet voice opened my eyes to a world where teachers were suffering and leaving the classroom. However, it was during this time where I was thriving in the classroom. I had just unlocked a new level of my teaching style and knew that it was because I made God the most important part of my classroom. It was at this moment that God had given me a mandate to open my mouth and speak and to be sure to speak of His goodness and how He helped transformed my teaching style, journey, and classroom.


So This Is Me... 

Willedra Jackson, the proud teacher behind Strutting Through Third. Above all though, I am a woman after God’s own heart, a proud wife, mother, and third grade teacher. A teacher who is on a mission to empower teachers to unleash their teaching gift, elevate their classroom, and prosper in purpose while strutting boldly in their passion. A teacher who is on a mission to share all that I have learned during my ten years as an educator. A teacher who wants you know that you don’t have to leave the classroom to earn what you deserve. In fact, please know that God has already given you everything you need to bring in an additional income with your teaching gifts and still be a rockstar teacher IN the classroom.

Have I always been this amazing rockstar teacher? No I haven’t. In fact, teaching was a career change for me. I actually went to school to become a lawyer. However, it wasn’t until my very last year in College that I was the lead attorney in a big mock trial for our University. It was in that moment, with so many watching that I realized that wasn’t what I wanted. Soon after graduating, I moved back home and after many jobs, I began to tap into my gift! For starters I became a Special Events Coordinator and I loved it! It gave me an opportunity to dance with my creative side. I also revisited the world of entrepreneurship with the start of many small businesses all centered on using my very special gift of creativity. Years of happiness I would say, but deep down I still felt as though something was missing. 


Then It Happened...

My sister in love opened my eyes to the world of education through a math interventionist position. It wasn’t long before I knew God was calling me into my very own classroom. I have spent majority of my years teaching in third grade, with fourth grade being the only other grade that I have taught. I must admit third grade is my favorite! However, I truly believe that “I wasn’t born to “Just Teach.” I was born to inspire others, to change people, and to never give up; even when faced with challenges that seem impossible.”

This Is My World...

When I am not in the creating things for teaches and students all over the world, I can be found enjoying family time, reading, crafting, and listening to gospel music.

I truly believe there is a reason for everything. Therefore, I do not believe you stumbled upon my page accidentally. It is my hope that you will leave with something insightful that you didn’t have, prior to clicking this page. So please browse around, check out my TpT Store, social media platforms and please say hi, I’d love to know who has come along for this incredible journey.